

Ivan Hurst

This is the Home page of the core part of my Website.

It is also the navigation page to the various parts of my websites.


Great Spotted Woodpecker dad and chick L 5448

Woodpecker feeding one of it's chicks at a local tree.

Ivan Hurst and family personal website

Welcome to Ivan Hurst's Web site. Browse around to find Natural History, cars and trucks, restoration, environment and travel to Europe, Asia, Africa and North America.

If you have visited before, this could be something of a surprise, and perhaps you were expecting this as the next page. A lot of that page's functionality has been lost as the sites are transferred and transformed. You can still see the Main Content here, but hurry back, to this new and improved world.

The site covers my family’s hobbies, interests, holidays and events attended. It is mainly an image based site with some narrative. In addition there are plenty of linked photo galleries.

If you have comments or questions please drop me a line using the Contact Us page further into the overall website.


 Let me explain what is included;

This the beginning of my main site, with contents below, together with 

Sub and auxiliary sites.


A little bit of introduction first. 

The site is under continual development and as such there are bound to be some errors and un-finished areas / pages. This covers over a decade of development and data gathering.

It has inevitably changed as I have learnt more and changed authoring software.

I started with NetObjects Fusion Essentials, upgraded to Fusion 12 then Microsoft Expression Web 4 and coding and have now moved to Joomla and Content Management.

The NetObjects pages are still hosted, but deprecated.


Microsoft Expression Web 4 Travelogue pages are still hosted, but deprecated.


Deprecated -- Travelogue


 The current selection of my websites

 The main two parts, the most frequently worked on, almost daily are Travel and Genealogy. Generally alternating between the two.

Sometimes, it is Google My Maps, Google Earth, and ArcGIS Story Maps, which all feed into Travel, and sometimes it is Genealogy reseach. There are lots of activities and tools which support the website writing.

Then there is my photography. Lots of photos to catalogue, process, and some to display. Some used to support the travel website.


There are three Sub sites and entrance to those is on the pages with envelope icons on the Content menu at the top of the page. They are also below for direct access.

Enter my Genealogy Site

Go to my Photography page to select which Photography Site to jump to.

Go to my Travel page to select which Travel Site to jump to.

Enter my SmugMug Site.


Those are the off site pages, either as a full sub-site or a fully external site.

There is in the menu a section called Contents, which may have been called Products or Services on a commercial site. This is the bulk of the content of this site, and below is a outline, a taster, to tempt you in.

Those are the off site pages, either as a full sub-site or a fully external site.

There is in the menu a section called Contents, which may have been called Products or Services on a commercial site. This is the bulk of the content of this site, and below is a outline, a taster, to tempt you in.




It broad terms the contents of this site can be classified as below. Click to open the topic.
